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What is Medims

The easy way to manage your practice!

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The following highlights the many features and advantages of using the MEDIMS system...

The MEDIMS Platform
The MEDIMS system operates on all WINDOWS NT platforms.  It is designed for stand alone, multi-user network, multi-office, and multi-site environments.  MEDIMS is based on an open system design.  This allows integration of other technologies such as: voice recognition, Digital x-ray and Digital Imaging Systems, Mobile Devices and more.
User Interface
The MEDIMS system has an intuitive user interface which makes the system easy to use.  A full complement of selectable options allows the operator to move quickly between functions, search for additional associated information, or view on-screen information. 
MEDIMS is flexible.  It provides the ability to work with multiple patients simultaneously.  Any task may be performed while the operator is working with other tasks.  When the new task is completed, the system automatically returns to the previous task without losing data.  The operator does not have to go in and out of rigid menu structures as with other systems.
Customer Support
Nectech supports the MEDIMS system with personalized service and dedication to individual needs.  Nectech products are backed by highly trained and dedicated personnel.  Telephone and remote maintenance support is provided during normal business hours.  An "after hours" service is available, providing 24 hour support.   Expanded on-site support and services are also available.
Additional Services
Nectech is a full service health care computer solutions company.  In addition to designing and developing Medical Information Management Systems, Nectech offers other services such as:
  • System integration
  • Data migration and conversion
  • Training


Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation


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Phone: 1-800-498-8324       Email:  info@medims.com
MEDIMS and MEDIMS.com are trademarks of Nectech, Inc.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to support@medims.com.
Copyright © 2000 Nectech, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Last modified: Monday December 10, 2007.